Jacob Einstein
Voice: Hi Jacob
Jacob: Hi, I am a knowledge sim and I am perfectly normal
Voice: you seem to have a strange fascination with bird watching.
Jacob: Watching Birds is normal
Voice: you also seem obsessive about being normal
Jacob: You would be too if your last name was Einstein.
Voice: you’re related to Albert Einstein?
Jacob: Yep or so my mom says but she isn’t normal, me I am perfectly normal.
Jacob: Who are you?
Voice: I am voice.
Jacob: are you normal?
Voice: I am a voice what do you think?
Jacob: oh, I like voices nice to meet you. A nice normal voice.
Jacob: See my nice normal house nothing abnormal here.
Jacob: See I do normal stuff like cleaning the toilet.
Voice: What is that are you doing Jacob?
Jacob: found a telescope knowledge sim remember?
Voice: where did you find it?
Jacob: on the side of the road.
Voice: that doesn’t sound normal for someone to chuck it on the side of the road, does it?
Jacob: must have fallen out of a truck, seems normal to me.
Voice: OK but I would watch it.
Jacob: What could happen with a telescope they are normal…
Voice: What’s that sound????
Voice: Welcome back
Jacob: Who me I didn’t go anywhere?
Voice: How do you feel.
Jacob: Me? Fine, perfectly normal nothing strange going on here, see still as normal as can be. I think you’re the one that is crazy nothing happen here tonight. Nope, no strange lights, no strange sound voices, nope nothing. Maybe you dreamed that I was gone, that’s it a dream, I’m going to bed.
Jacob: See I woke up had a bowl of cereal and am now going to get a skill point in cooking. Nothing strange going one here, Voice you are just trying to make me feel abnormal. But just like yesterday I am perfectly normal.
Voice: how do you feel now?
Jacob: Normal milk must have been bad.
Voice: MMM what is going on now?
Jacob: Me??? I am fine just gaining a little weight.
Voice: while throwing up?
Jacob: Yep that is normal right?
Voice: if you say so.
Voice: Hey what are you doing now?
Jacob: Fishing that is a normal way to spend the day, besides I am hungry and fish sounds good!
Voice: MMM Jacob you are waddling and gaining more weight.
Jacob: Nope not me.
Voice: Yes you are. Do you think this might have something to do with your trip the other day?
Jacob: What trip?? Oh you mean your dream. Nope didn’t go any where.
Jacob: I need lunch, what to have oh fish yep I love fish. Funny I never have before.
Voice: Jacob are you OK??
Jacob: Yep, just belly aches, perfectly normal, I ate bad milk remember?
Voice: that was a few days ago
Voice: Jacob who are they?
Jacob: Oh my niece and nephew they just dropped by.
Voice: Jacob you’re an only child, remember?
Jacob: They are neighbor kids?
Voice: where is their mom?
Jacob: figments of your imagination?
Voice: I am a normal voice, remember?
Jacob: Mine?
Voice: Yep.
Jacob: They are normal right? This one Jericho and his sister is Jetta. Cute and normal, single dad’s are normal.
Voice: OK Jacob you keep telling yourself that.
Voice: Hey Jacob where are you going?
Jacob: I call the Nanny, thought I would go stargaze for awhile?
Voice: Aren’t you worried about another trip?
Jacob: What trip? Oh your dream, nope.
Voice: My dream is playing right there?
Voice: told ya!
Jacob: that was embarrassing, she saw me?
Voice: Who saw you?
Jacob: The Nanny.
Voice: give her big tip she wouldn’t tell anyone.
Jacob: Whew OK
Voice: Good morning Jacob
Jacob: What is good about it?
Voice: You have two babies that love you.
Jacob: they are cute…
Jericho grew up to a toddler.
Voice: I like him.
Jacob: Me too :o)
Jetta grew up cute too! Love the hair!
Jacob: They are smart too
Voice: Yep
Jacob: Perfectly normal toddlers. See all is good.
Jacob: Here we go again!!! OUCH!!!!
Jacob: Meet Zander he has my eyes.
Jacob: Do you like the new room I did for my kids?
Voice: Yes I do
Jacob: 3 perfectly normal kids living a normal life in a normal little room. I like normal.
Voice: I know Jacob
Jacob: They grow up so fast.
Voice: Jacob what are you thinking?
Jacob: About my Telescope.
Voice: Bye Jacob.
*Dies laughing* Very normal right Jacob? That's so great.